Calculate Power of a Number

Calculate Power of a Number

Tags: Basics

Credit: CodingChallenge

Difficulty: Beginner

Type: Text

Category: Practice

Time Allowed: 5 s


Write a function that takes two numbers, base and exponent, and returns the result of raising the base to the power of the exponent using built-in functions. This problem is designed to help you practice using built-in functions for exponentiation. The function should accept two parameters and return the result.


  • The base and exponent inputs will be integers or floats.
  • The function should return a number representing the result.
  • Use built-in functions like pow().


  • Input: 2, 3
  • Output: 8

Test Case Input Expected Output
1 [2, 3] 8
2 [5, 0] 1
3 [2, -2] 0.25
4 [9, 0.5] 3.0
5 [10, 2] 100

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